Mail Transfer Agents

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Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is a software application that routes electronic mail messages from the sender’s computer to the recipient’s, using an Internet message handling system (MHS). MTA adopts client-server…

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Startup Companies focus on Open Source Techniques

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Earlier, IT companies used to endure high initial costs to run operating systems. Even though pirated versions were available, the original versions were absolutely necessary as it was illegal to use pirated versions. Majority of the companies relied on Microsoft Windows as their operating systems and essential IT products like MS Office, SQL database etc. were too expensive. Unfortunately, then the companies didn’t enjoy many alternatives. (more…)

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Securing the enterprise workspace with BYOD

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BYOD brings with it a revolutionary transformation of end-user workspaces. It unshackles practices like employees tied to a physical location and specifications like rigidly configured devices, OS, applications and user states. It simply allows users to work from anywhere, accessing applications and content using myriad device configurations. In short, the benefits offered by BYOD make it worth pursuing. But to support the myriad devices, configurations and applications, organizations need to have a robust and scalable infrastructure. Above all, it requires specialized IT expertise to manage this news environment and infrastructure. (more…)

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How to limit the CPU usage by a Linux process ?

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Multi-tasking ability and faster response time are the most attractive features of Linux machines. Still some tasks may overburden the CPU and contribute to sluggish performance of machines. From running MySQL process to back up, the CPU is getting utilised in full. It is fine, if the machine is not engaged in any other processes or tasks. But what if the machine functions as a server or your main desktop? In this case, overburdening CPU for running a task will definitely result in slothful performance. (more…)

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Server Monitoring Tools

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In real time environment, optimising the performance of the servers holds the key. In order to enhance the performance of the servers it is important to know related information about the system like CPU utilization, memory usage, network, disk I/O etc. In other words, it is essential to monitor these factors 24 x 7. High load surge and server downtimes are unavoidable and monitoring tools provide alerts in such critical situations. Some important monitoring tools are mentioned below. (more…)

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Secured Socket Layer (SSL) and related Vulnerabilities

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Secured Socket Layer, more commonly called as SSL, is a protocol in which data is transferred in an encrypted format to ensure security. This data transfer between client and the server is established with the help of certificates. SSL certificate is an absolute necessity for e-commerce sites as end users need to submit critical information like credit card details and personal information. Once installed, then the sites are accessed using the IP address header https:// rather than http://. Even though SSL ensures security they have some inherent vulnerability. This article mentions about SSL principles and its vulnerability.

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How to speedup Word Press websites

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Among the most popular tools for websites based on Content Management System, Word Press has established itself as one of the leaders. As of August 2013, Word Press is used by more than 22% of the top 10 million websites. Also it is the most popular blogging system in use, in more than 60 million websites. Thousands of plugins and themes are offered by Word Press to help you build websites / blogs in just a few clicks. On the other side, speed of loading is the most common problem that Word Press websites often encounter.


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